How Much Does It Cost to Drywall a Garage

How Much Does It Cost to Drywall a Garage

Everything is perfect in your beautiful home, but what about your garage? Does it look too old and lifeless? It’s time to give it a new life with renovation. For this, there are many renovation techniques available. Drywall is one of the main techniques available today. It is made from gypsum (a mineral), which is sandwiched between two layers of paper or fibreglass. Drywall is an excellent choice for your garage. It has many types, each designed for their specific applications and needs.

Some of the main types are as follows:

  • Standard drywall
  • Moisture-resistant drywall
  • Fire-resistant drywall
  • Soundproof drywall

Here, the question is, what is the cost of drywall? In this blog post, we will discuss “how much does it cost to drywall a garage“. We also let you know the factors affecting cost and how to minimize it. After reading this post, you will be able to know the actual cost of drywall installation in your garage.

Why Is It Important to Install Drywall in Your Garage?

The drywall provides a variety of benefits to your home and garage. Some of the top are explained Here:

Improved Appearance

One of the main reasons why homeowners choose this is its great appearance. Compared to traditional walls, drywall provides a smooth and clean surface to the walls. It becomes more important if you use your garage for different activities like workshops or as a short living space.

Better Insulation

Some types are specially designed for the purpose of insulation. They improve insulation and manage the inside atmosphere. It is very helpful in extreme weather conditions. This insulation keeps the garage comfortable, which means cool in summer and warm in winter.

Higher Property Value

The garage plays a significant role in the value of the entire property. It provides shelter to your beloved cars and motorcycles. Insulated garages with drywalls look safer and valuable according to both potential buyers and living conditions.

Stronger Defense of Your Walls

It also protects the interior walls of the garage. It prevents them from direct exposure to dust and dirt, ensuring durability. Moisture and fire resistance types of drywall also protect your valuable assets from moisture and fire damage. All these drywall features give you a more vigorous defence to your garage.

How Much Does It Cost to Drywall a Garage

Cost to Drywall a Garage
Cost to Drywall a Garage

Drywall installation is one of the best choices for your garage. It provides high durability and protection, along with a clean and finished look. The cost of drywalling a garage depends on the space size and the type of drywall. Drywall estimating services can accurately forecast the cost of installing drywall.

Average Cost of Drywall

For the garage of a standard home, the drywall budget can be from $1000 to $2000. The average cost per square foot is mainly calculated between $1.50 to $3.50. This range includes materials cost, labor cost, and finishing. Here is the average cost of the drywall by its capacity.

  • One-car garage: For a 1-car garage (14×22) with a height of 10 feet, the average cost is $1000 to $2000.
  • Two-car garage: For two two-car garage (22×30) with a height of 10 feet, the average cost is $2300 to $4000.

Average Cost of Drywall by Its Types

There are many types of drywall available, and their average cost can be different. It is because of their versatility in materials. The average cost of drywalls according to their materials and types is as follows:

Type of DrywallAverage Cost Per Sq Foot in US Dollars
Standard DrywallFrom $0.40 to $0.50
Water Resistance DrywallFrom $0.55 to $0.70
Moisture Resistant DrywallFrom $0.65 to $0.75
Blueboard DrywallFrom $0.65 to $0.80
Paperless DrywallFrom $0.65 to $1.05
Fire Resistance DrywallFrom $0.55 to $0.90
Soundproof DrywallFrom $1.85 to $3.00

Note: It is based on today’s prices, which can be changed according to market conditions

Factors That Affect the Cost of Garage

The cost of drywall is not similar for every project. There are many factors that can increase or decrease the average price. Some important factors that can affect the cost of drywall are explained here:

Size of the Garage

Garage size is an important factor to consider. A large garage means more materials and workers, which leads to a high cost, while a small garage needs a low cost of drywalling.

Type of Drywall

It is also another main factor that influences the cost of the project. As we already discussed, some types of drywall are cheaper, and some are higher in price. These variations in material prices make the overall project costly or cheaper. We recommend you use the material that you really need.

Labor Costs

If you talk about construction labor costs, they are the most overlooked spot many times. This cost can differ based on location, weather conditions, and availability of professionals. In an ideal situation, your price will be low, but it will be high in remote areas, extreme weather, and unavailability of professionals.

Extra Features

Drywall also comes with some extra features like taping, mudding, painting, or adding extra insulation. If you want to add most of the features to your garage’s drywall, your price will be too high and vise versa.

Tips to Reduce the Price of Drywall

price of drywall
price of drywall

Here, we are going to give you some tips to reduce the price of the drywall of your garage.

  • Plan before you start: Always estimate the cost you need, materials, time, and labor required before you begin the process.
  • Purchase Materials on Large-Quantity: Purchase materials like drywall sheets and nails in large quantities to get a discount.
  • Plan then move: It means don’t make changes at the last minute. Finalize your all your plans before you make the first move. Taking preliminary estimates prevents you from over-costing and wasting materials.
  • Work with Experts: Get assistance from experts like Federal Estimating, which provides accurate estimates. These experts can guide you toward efficient project planning and management.

How Federal Estimation Can Help

At the Federal Estimating, we provide precise and detailed drywall estimating services, including a budget, materials, labor, and time you require for compilation. Our company uses advanced tools and softwares to secure accurate calculations of materials and labor costs. Whether you need help with a small garage or a large commercial project, Federal Estimating is here to assist with proper estimation.

Get a Free Quote

For our clients who are looking for reliable estimates, Federal Estimating offers a free quote. We provide the most accurate estimates at a very reasonable price. Contact us today and get your free quote for accurate estimates.

Also, Please Read Our Other Post.

How to Win a Drywall Bid: The Comprehensive Guide


Installing drywall in your garage is a wise decision for improving its appearance. Plus, it provides insulation and fire or moisture resistance. By keeping these factors in your plans, you can make the right decisions for your pocket and your property. Tips like planning before you start, purchasing materials in large quantities, and working with professionals can help you stay within budget and timeline. For reliable estimation services and expert advice, contact Federal Estimating to guarantee the success of your drywall project.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. How long drywall can last?

Ans: It depends upon the conditions like extreme weather, moisture, and water. The average lifespan of drywall is from 40 to 50 years. But it can survive 60 to 70 years in ideal conditions. 

Q. Which type of drywall is most suitable for garages?

Ans: The moisture- and water-resistant drywall is the best option as it spots moisture and water on the garage walls. But you can use fire-resistant drywall if you live in a hot environment that prevents heat transfer through your garage.

Q. How much time does drywall mud take to dry?

Ans: It can take around 24 hours to dry from start to finish. Quick dry mud, like hot mud, can dry in 40 to 60 minutes. It mainly depends upon the thickness and the method of installation.

Q. How many drywall sheets are required to cover a 2-car garage?

Ans: The average 2-car area is 22*30 and 10 feet in height. It typically needs about 38 sheets of drywall to cover the area completely.

Q. Is drywall capable of heat absorption?

Ans: Yes, drywall is capable of heat absorption or fire resistance. Some types of drywall have some special properties of heat and direct fire resistance. It can tolerate high heat or fire as well.

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